Private Investigator vs. Private Detective?

What is the difference between a private investigator and a private detective?
You will find that “private investigator” and “private detective” are both used. There is no difference between a private investigator and a private detective.
According to PI Magazine, an industry trade publication, historically the profession of non-law enforcement investigations started back with Pinkerton in the late 1800s, but beginning around 1960, many states did not want the public to confuse a private detective with that of a police detective.
If you are referring to a detective, the difference is a trade-off.
A detective is usually a police officer. A private investigator does not have the authority of police power and operates under the powers of an ordinary citizen. This means that, for example, they do not have the authority to compel entry into real property, or the authority to make arrests (outside the citizen’s arrest doctrine.)
Most Private investigators work civil cases or work criminal defense (which means gathering evidence on witnesses in a criminal trial). Their objectives they seek are also quite different if you are referring to police detectives. They are members of a police department or law enforcement agency.
A private investigator a private detective, or inquiry agent, is a person who can be hired by individuals or groups to undertake investigatory law services.