Rory Howell’s day starts off like most people’s days by first checking peoples emails and responding to attorneys and clients. Followed by phone calls, background searches and locates for people of interest.
Somedays will require going to the courthouse to testify and or to meet with attorneys and clients.
For Howell Investigations, the day may end with a surveillance case, a corporate client or possibly a child custody case. Unlike surveillance in the movies, this means long hours for Rory and uncomfortable positions while staying
vigilant so he won’t miss anything of importance pertaining to the person of interest under surveillance.
“Within the same day, I may conduct interviews inside the jail with witnesses and or clients that are incarcerated.”

“As a private investigator, I work long hours and often at odd times of the day. At times, I might be required to stay awake on the job for as much as 48 hours.”
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